Author Guidelines
- Title
- Title written in initial capital letters with Book Antiqua 16pt font (Max 12 words: foreign language or Indonesian)
- Subtitles use bold letters
- Author1, Author2 [First Author*1, Second Author2, Third Author3). (Book Antiqua Font 11)
- Institution/affiliation (Book Antiqua Font 11)
- Ddepartment, Faculty of Computer Science, University, Country (Book Antiqua Font 11)
- Email (Book Antiqua Font 11)
- Abstract
The contents of the abstract are written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian, the maximum number of words is 250 words in Indonesian and a maximum of 200 words in English, just one paragraph. Abstract written in (Book Antiqua Font 10), 1 space.
- Keywords
Keywords are written in 3-5 words which should be a subset of the paper title, written using lowercase letters except for abbreviations, and separated by commas between words. (Book Antiqua Font 10)
Example: Keywords: Information Systems, Computing Technology, Data Mining, [maximum 5 keywords]
- Menuscript Structure
Articles should contain the following systematics:
Introduction; Background (includes the reason for conducting this research, objective questions, brief reference)
Research Methods (analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation)
Results and Discussion
Acknowledgments (if any) and
Reference List.
- Manuscript Length
The manuscript is written on A4 paper size with a minimum number of pages of 10 pages, a maximum of 15 pages, including tables and figures, and referring to the writing procedures as outlined in this article.
- Table
Tables should be numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.). The table title is written above the table in a center justified position. The font used is 10pt for table titles and 8pt for table contents. Tables must be referenced and referenced in the text.
- Picture
Figures are numbered in order of presentation (Fig. 1, etc.). The image title is placed below the image in the middle position (center justified). The font used in the image title is 10pt. Images must be referenced and referred to in the text.
- Page Specifications
Use the typeface (Book Antiqua Font 11) throughout the manuscript, with the font size as exemplified in this writing guide. The spacing is 1.15 and the contents of the text or manuscript use left-right alignment (justified). Page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). Page margins are 25 mm top, bottom, left and right.
An easy way to write a manuscript is to write directly in the Journal template.
- References
Writing literature uses the American Physical Association (APA) system. It is recommended to use the Mendeley/endnote/zotero tools. Everything listed in the bibliography/reference list must be referenced in the writing or paper. Minimum 10 primary and latest references.